Blue Jean Pocket Purses

Beside clothes, there's other things you can do with jeans you'll need: 2 Blue Jean Pockets Equal in Size.
Needle and Thread or Sewing Machine.
Tacky Material Glue.
Material for a handle,
Examples: Fishing Line and Beads or Long Frayed Seam off Blue Jeans or Strip of Leather.
Straight Pins.
First decide on how big you want your purse and then add 2 more extra inches. To make the measurements easier I measured 2 inches around both pockets and cut the pocket off the pants. Next lay the pockets together face down and pin them together. Sew the pockets together using a one-inch seam all around except for the top. After the seam is sewed use the tacky material glue to seal the seams. This will hold the material together. After you decide on the handle you will need to attach it. The bag I made I used star shaped beads and put them on fishing line so that the handle would be stronger than with just string. Measure how long you want the handle and then add more material or fish line so you can attach the handle. Take the top seam of the two pockets and fold them in so you have an opening for your purse. Sew the handles to the inside seam of each side of the purse. To secure the folds use the tacky material glue to hold down the seam. If you want to sew it down you can but the material is very thick and it will be hard to sew.
Needle and Thread or Sewing Machine.
Tacky Material Glue.
Material for a handle,
Examples: Fishing Line and Beads or Long Frayed Seam off Blue Jeans or Strip of Leather.
Straight Pins.
First decide on how big you want your purse and then add 2 more extra inches. To make the measurements easier I measured 2 inches around both pockets and cut the pocket off the pants. Next lay the pockets together face down and pin them together. Sew the pockets together using a one-inch seam all around except for the top. After the seam is sewed use the tacky material glue to seal the seams. This will hold the material together. After you decide on the handle you will need to attach it. The bag I made I used star shaped beads and put them on fishing line so that the handle would be stronger than with just string. Measure how long you want the handle and then add more material or fish line so you can attach the handle. Take the top seam of the two pockets and fold them in so you have an opening for your purse. Sew the handles to the inside seam of each side of the purse. To secure the folds use the tacky material glue to hold down the seam. If you want to sew it down you can but the material is very thick and it will be hard to sew.
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